Chengyan Gu

International Economics Professional Chengyan Gu

Chengyan Gu joined World Bank Group in 2014 and continues to provide project impact evaluations and country investment strategy analysis in the role of economist/infrastructure specialist. Based in Washington, DC, Chengyan Gu has been responsible for the econometric models used for two Uganda hydropower projects, which ultimately yielded nearly $1 billion in combined fundraising priority approvals. He has also conducted extensive research efforts in countries such as Uganda, Mozambique, and Kazakhstan as part of a collaboration with the International Labour Organization and the European Investment Bank.

Chengyan Gu studied economics at Southeast University in Nanjing, China, graduating with a master of science. He continued his education at Northeastern University in Boston, achieving a doctor of philosophy in economics. He has published several papers on economic subjects such as bundling, network convergence and competition, mergers and antitrust. Away from his work in the field of economics, he enjoys traveling and listening to music.


顾成彦毕业于南京东南大学并获得经济学硕士学位,此后就读于美国波士顿东北大学(Northeastern University,Boston, MA)并获得经济学博士学位。在此期间,顾成彦曾发表多篇经济学论文,其研究内容包括捆绑销售,网络融合与竞争,企业并购与反垄断等。 顾成彦的个人爱好广泛,包括旅行及音乐等。

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Chengyan Gu
Nanjing, China, other